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    Basic Sc. & Humanities | Civil  | Comp. Science | Electrical | Elec. & Comm. | Inst. & Elec.  | IT | Mechanical | AIML | CSD | MBA | MCA


Year of establishment: 2010

Master of Computer Application (3 years)
Year of commencement: 2010
Current Intake: 60


The department of Computer Applications in Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College started its process of developing manpower as per industry− demand in 2005 with its first batch of 3−year course of MCA. At that time, it was the only department in the college to run a course of PG level in IT−related area. Students of the ninth batch have successfully completed their 3−year course in 2015 and they are well−spread all over India in different sectors including the field of academics and research.
The department has a very strong, experienced and highly dedicated group of faculty members, having expertise in varying areas of IT and Computer Applications. The faculty of MCA is well−crowded with two doctorate, and many M. Techs, and a number of well−experienced MCAs. An ever−consistent ratio of 1:15 is maintained between number of teachers and that of students. Most of the faculty members are engaged in higher research, with a few even having reputation of coining popular technical books in market. The annual rate of research publications in the department is highly impressive. A steadily disciplined but friendly liaison is maintained with students. The teaching− learning process is at its best with highly sophisticated laboratories under the able care of learned group of technical assistants.
Department offers a number of elective papers to students of final year to acquaint them with the latest technologies. Students do multi− dimensional real−time projects in final year to gain practical exposure of the maximum level. A special care is taken for enhancing the level of soft skills, communication skills of students using expertise of departmental faculty as well as invited external agencies.


To achieve excellence in quality teaching in Post−Graduate level


� To make students well−competent with software market.
� To make a selected group of students well−competent with recent trends in higher research.
� To make students highly presentable with their attitude, communication and technical abilities.
� To provide a fully homely atmosphere to students coming to study far away leaving home.
� To provide strong mental support and encouragement to students with poor background in graduation level to remove any sort of infuriate complex.
� To accomplish the entire task of teaching−learning process amidst fully planned and systematic approach, so as to get recognition of national level in future.