
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)

Year of establishment: 2024
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) (4 years) 


  • The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) has been established in the year 2024. B.Tech in CSE (Cybersecurity) is designed to address the industry’s increasing demand for skilled security professionals in the public and private sector, both in the Data Security and in the Network/Cloud Security domains.
  • The program covers core computer science subjects as well as cybersecurity specific courses. The emphasis of the program is to nurture students with the knowledge and skills required to secure computers, detect and analyse attacks and threats, respond to attacks, develop security policies, procedures, and standards.
  • The four-year undergraduate curriculum includes a sound preparation in Basic Sciences, Mathematical Foundations, Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Network Security, Secure Programming and Ethical hacking.
  • The designed imparts 21st century skills having the following component: Liberal education aspects for all round development, courses that trigger new age skills, project based learning, special topics (hands-on sessions on multiple topics with mentoring from expert), option for MOOC, UG Research Project/Product Development/Internships. The curriculum focuses on Liberal Art Courses, Foundation Courses, Professional Courses, and Electives that help them build expertise in some specialized areas. Curriculum developed, also emphasis on design oriented thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity right from 1st year.
  • Stanford University, University of Michigan, Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Washington have standalone program in MS-PhD for data science.
  • After working as a Cybersecurity Architect for 15 years, most Cybersecurity professionals move up to Senior-level Cybersecurity roles as Senior Manager of IT & Security Compliance, Director of IT Security, Senior Manager, and Senior Director, A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).



A graduate of Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) will be able to:

  • PEO1: Be recognized as effective professionals for their applied skills, problem solving capabilities and professional skills in the field of cyber security.
  • PEO2: Develop themselves as effective communicators that help them for employment in the areas of cyber security and related fields.
  • PEO3: Incorporate ethical, legal and social implications as outcomes of their profession. PEO4: Actively engage themselves in activities which allow for the continuous development of their computing and cyber security skills.

PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES (PSOs) A graduate of Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) acquires ability to:

  • PSO1: Develop secure software with vulnerability assessment, and security requirements, designed with the least privileges for the protection of digital applications.
  • PSO2: Evaluate the function of cyber security by identifying the tools and systems to minimize the risk to an organization’s cyberspace.
  • PSO3: Apply machine learning models, methods, and techniques for data analysis, data handling, and data visualization for effective decision-making.


  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Analog and Digital Electronics
  • Computer Organization
  • IT Workshop (Python/Matlab/R)
  • Data Communication and Networks Lab
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab
  • System Security Lab
  • Operating System Lab
  • Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • Network Security Lab
  • Network Security Lab
  • Database Management System lab
  • Project Lab


Ignite and nurture young learners to provide a sustainable, humane, and research-centric educational platform in the domain of cybersecurity for building a robust, resilient, and attack-free digital universe


  • M1: Provide committed and competent faculty and educational infrastructure to impart the theoretical and practical foundation of cyber security in the emanating youth.
  • M2: Establish MoUs and Centre of Excellences (CoEs) with Information Technology Sector to provide industry-ready cybersecurity graduates with research instinct imbibed for the sustainable development of young learners.
  • M3: Build collaborative and teamwork-centric project-oriented learning environment, to address global challenges whilst preserving human and ethical values.
  • M4: Encourage young minds to educate society to restore nationwide human safety and security in digital world.

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