
  • Estd. August, 2000
  • Currently Offering B.Tech in seven Engineering Disciplines
  • Separate FMS offering MBA Programmes
  • Separate MCA Dept. offering MCA Programmes
  • M.Tech Programmes offered by ECE, EE, CSE and ME
  • Central Library
  • Fully equipped Language Lab ( in collaboration with IIT, Kgp.)
  • Multi Gym
  • Separate Hostel for boys and girls
  • ATM and Banking facility in campus

Established in 2000, Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College was one of the first private Engineering College in West Bengal. Under the aegis of the University of Burdwan, BCREC was a platform for the hundreds of students who could not afford to go South for a degree in Engineering of Management. BCREC, under the affiliation of MAKAUT and the with the accreditation of AICTE and NBA, has come a long way. In its 25th year now, BCREC today offers 4 M.Tech. Programs, 10 B.Tech. Programs and 2 Post Graduate Programs in Management and Computer Application. Spread over a large area of about 17 acres, BCREC has multistoried buildings for each separate department, a Central Library, a Recreation Area, Games and Sports Arenas, Multigyms, state of art Laboratories for all subjects including English Language. The is a robust Training and Placement Cell which ensures that our students are trained for the whole semester in order to succeed in Campus Placements. GATE Forum ensures that students opting for higher education in Engineering are also suitably trained. More than a few hundreds of teaching staff with sterling academic careers and credentials are the guardians of the teaching learing process in this college. How ever most important stakeholder of the equation, the "Student", is the one that is the centre of the entire process. Once one has joined the BCREC student fraternity, S/he automatically becomes eligible for a caring and nuturing environment along with alround Mentoring in a 1:15 teacher:student ratio. The Hostels, spacious and well monitored, are incubators for our future technocrats. As they say in the hostel, "BCREC mein kabhi raat nahi hoti". Once a BCRECian, always a BCRECian. Our alumni are at multitude of organizations in and outside the country. From IBM, TCS, Wipro, Accenture, CapGemini, CTS to Tech Mahindra, Hewlett Pacard, Indian Navy they still remain in close connect with our Alumni Cell. We invite you to come and be a part of our large and warm Family.

Professional Courses

In the era of rapid technological advancements, the best minds are tailored in these domains

Experienced Facilitators

The heads that rock the cradles, rule the world. At BCREC those hands are accomplished

Practical Training

Tell them and they forget, show them and they remember, ask them to perform, and they LEARN

Validated Certificate

The proof of the pudding is in the eating - here are some of our best evaluators: NBA, AICTE, MAKAUT, and most importantly the top industries of our country
